Thursday, September 24, 2009

Book Review of Lonestar Secrets by Colleen Coble

Lonestar Secrets Lonestar Secrets by Colleen Coble

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I read Lonestar Secrets by Colleen Coble as a member of the Thomas Nelson Book Review Blogger group.
Shannon Astor returns to her childhood home where secrets long buried start coming to light. Shannon finds herself caught in the middle of these secrets which place her life in danger.

This book was great. It had suspense, intrigue, romance, and held my attention throughout. There were a few parts of the book that were a bit far fetched, but the twists and turns were entertaining. Even though it is the second book in a series, I did not feel there was something missing by not reading the first. It is a stand alone book, but I look forward to reading Lonestar Sanctuary.

Before Lonestar Secrets I had not read any of Colleen Coble’s books. I have now found a new favorite author.

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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Book Review of Fearless by Max Lucado

Fearless: Imagine Your Life Without Fear Fearless: Imagine Your Life Without Fear by Max Lucado

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I chose to read Fearless by Max Lucado strictly as a Thomas Nelson Blogger Book Reviewer. Little did I know it was God who had chosen this book for me.

I don’t consider myself someone who is fearful. I’m the wife of a soldier and I learned long ago where to place my fears and trust. That is until I found out my 15 yr old daughter might have a syndrome that would not allow her to have children. There is no surgery to reverse this syndrome and the operations necessary to live a normal life are beyond my imaginations. My heart sank and I instantly turned to Christ, but still the fears for her future and the unknown hit me hard.

That night I went to bed exhausted, but unable to sleep. I had to finish Fearless and get my review in by the deadline, so I picked it up hoping it would distract me and help put me to sleep. (Sorry Max!) I opened to chapter 5 and was shocked as I read the promise from Christ: Don’t be afraid. Just believe, and your daughter will be well - Luke 8:50! When I told my daughter about the promise she said, “Christ knows what I’m going through. He cares.” WOW!

Since then, we have found out she is well. I am unsure if it is a miracle or Dr.’s mistake, but I do know that God used this experience to show us He is here, He cares, and He loves us.

Needless to say, I loved this book –the whole thing; not only chapter 5. The encouragement and promise each page holds are worth much more than the price paid for this book.

I pray God will use it to show you who He is and that He will take your fear and give you His peace in every circumstance.

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