Friday, May 29, 2009


Well, my manuscript came back with "Pass" written across the top.


It means that this agent did not feel my novel was something they could represent.

I got this rejection letter about a week ago, the day of my surgery. I have held off blogging about it because I expected to feel more! I was surprised that there wasn't much feeling at all. I had a smidge of disappointment because there was no advice given on why it was rejected. I would have appreciated to know what didn't work. Oh well.

I have tried to figure out why I didn't feel angry, hurt, or depressed, and have come down with a few ideas:

I sent this manuscript out knowing that whatever happened, it would follow God's plan. Plain and simple, this agent is not the one God wants me to be with. I don't know the reason and probably never will. I just know that the agent God sends my way is the one He has planned to be mine.

Also, I was having surgery that day which threw this whole deal into perspective. If God wants me to be published, then HE will make it happen. I didn't have time to wallow in self doubt or pity. I needed all my strength to heal.

I have since sent out one more query. For each rejection, I will send out one more query.

Rejection is never easy to deal with. I have found that if I set my sights on the fact that the person who rejected me is not the right one, I am able to handle it a little better.

We'll see if the next rejection is met with the same response. I sure hope so!

How have you dealt with rejection? Did your reaction surprise you? Why?

Hope you have a blessed day!

1 comment:

  1. There have been times I've cried for hours and other times I've taken the same attitude as you...for every one received, one will be sent out...

    I think rejection teaches us about how serious we are about writing and publication.

    Keep at it!
    ~ Wendy
