Morning All, I decided to pop in and bring you up to date on my progress.
Step two of a 3 step process in finding an Agent consists of writing a synopsis, and polishing up your manuscript.
There are so many great sites out there that address writing the synopsis. For my next book, this process will be attempted BEFORE the writing starts. Not sure how that will work because I write according to the scenes in my mind. But I think it might help me focus more. We'll see.
A synopsis is a condensed look at your book. You grab your 88 thousand word manuscript and pull out the pertinent info, the highs, the lows AND the ending. Then you take all of that and write a 2 -YES 2- page synopsis using that info.
The manuscript should be all ready for printing. Check it over one last time, and print it out. (or you might get lucky and be able to submit it by e-mail.)
Don't forget to check your Agents submission requirements or requests. The Agent I am sending to only accepts the above in print and snail mail.
IF your agent requests the same, print it out on BOND paper! I searched over 100 sites on synopsis and manuscript writing and all of them say that you must use bond paper. $$$$ Save up those pennies first! It is not cheap but makes everything look so sharp.
Once it is printed don't bind it in any way, staples, clips etc. I am putting mine in a tan envelope and then into a priority mail envelope. Hopefully the double packaging will keep it from shifting around too much.
Then you mail it out and wait. I plan to start my next novel in hopes of staving off the jitters. I've found a large part of waiting to be published is waiting. Such a lesson for me~ the totally impatient one!
That is where I am at the moment. Praying the response is quick and positive!
UPDATE: I have checked with some Agent friends and the bond paper thing is not true! Thank GOD! I was starting to add up the costs and it wasn't looking good! Off to print and send send them out. Yipee!
New Release Spotlight: Alexis Barber
4 days ago
Great post. Insightful. I am in waiting mode now....and waiting and waiting.
ReplyDelete~ Wendy
Wendy, Praying that God will move in your favor! Thanks for stopping by.