Have you ever felt like your life had changed without your consent? That due to some unforeseen, unplanned, and unwanted change you were suddenly seen as and treated different?
For the first time in over 15 years I have been placed in a world of weird looks and forced kindness; all due to my finger surgery.
You see, I am not able to wear my wedding rings at the moment. –possibly not for the next 6 months! WAAA!-
While out with my teenager the other day, she mentioned how much she hated it when men stared at me. I had NO idea what she was talking about. – I’m oblivious to my surroundings! There is too much else going on in this head of mine. -
I went to scratch my nose with my left hand -the assured message to all that I'm married-. As my hand passed my face, I got a quick shock when I saw my scar instead of my ring. I realized that without my rings the message I send is that I am AVAILABLE!
Until that moment I hadn’t realized the safety and security of those little circles of gold. Not only did they protect me from every lurch over 35, but also from the judging eyes of other women.
When I am out with my children I have started to notice the looks from some other women. The look that says, “I wonder what happened to their father?” or “Stay away, whatever drove her man away might be contagious!”
This all prompted me to look introspectively. What is my first reaction to other women? Do I do the same thing? When I see a woman do I look at their finger first before I look in their eyes? How about a pregnant woman; where do I look first: her eyes, or her left hand? –talk about a wake up call!
I am convicted, how about you?
New Release Spotlight: Alexis Barber
4 days ago
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