We are hanging out at my Mother's home in Arizona and having such a wonderful time. My husband was able to come out for a few days also and just relax; a rare feat for a soldier like him.
It seems that God knew we would melt in the normal AZ heat and have been blessed with temps below 90 since we arrived! A wonderful surprise to me; a nearly transparent woman who is totally unable to tan, only burn and peel. It is so bad my sister and brother in-law had bets on how long it would take me to burn. LOL! Neither one has won yet! Thankfully.
My Aunt and Uncle have arrived from So. Africa and have been spending time with their church family and friends. She saw a Urologist on Thursday who confirmed the issue with the cyst on her kidney. This next week will be full of tests and an operation to remove the kidney (the most pressing issue at the moment) has been scheduled for July 1. Once the cyst has been biopsied, they plan to see a Oncologist if needed. We hope to be able to spend time with my Aunt and Uncle and cousins before we leave.
Please keep them in your prayers along with the rest of our family. My grandparents plan to fly in from So. Africa later this week so we will probably miss seeing them. :(
On the writing front: I am going through the manuscript my mother and sister had and am happy that there very few changes. All of them are either spelling errors or a missing word. Yeah! They loved it.
I am working on many great ideas for my WIP, being around wonderful women does that to me! What inspiration.
Have a fabulous weekend. Make sure and give the fathers in your life a hug.
New Release Spotlight: Alexis Barber
4 days ago
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