I just recieved this from my Aunt:
Thank you all for patiently waiting for this update. Becki met with the doctor yesterday late afternoon. The meeting went VERY well and we left extremely encouraged. I have created my update in four segments. First, you will find the Scan Results as it is at this time. Second, specific areas of need. Third, areas of thanksgiving. Fourth, specific directive for continued prayer. Please feel free to forward this to anyone you think may be interested as this communication was approved by Becki to send out.
Scans were done on her entire body and the findings of these scans are as follows:
o The tumor in the kidney is still present and appears cancerous.
o The scans show spots on each lung.
o The brain is completely clear and normal.
o The bones are completely clear and normal.
• Surgery to remove the kidney is scheduled for Wednesday, July 1 @ 8am.
• The Insurance company has not yet authorized the surgery and this is a problem that needs immediate resolution.
• GOD APPOINTS PRIMARY PHSYCIAN: Dr. Harmon was extremely encouraging. His leadership today gave absolute confidence that he is on assignment by God. He was very firm that we would not allow the insurance company to delay the surgery. Dr. Harmon also made it very clear that the insurance problems are only a distraction from the real job at hand, which is Becki’s health! He strongly praised the prayer teams and support network that is in place for Becki. Dr. Harmon gave great hope in the process before us. It was clear that this doctor was handpicked by God!
• GOD GUIDES TO SELECTION OF ONCOLOGIST: We prayed and asked God to show us the right oncologist as this is a decision that must be made prior to ever knowing for fact if cancer is present. We had hoped for a particular oncologist who had been recommended to us. That oncologist is not on the insurance list. God is so good, however, because on the approved list of oncologists who were also recommended by both Dr. Harmon and our good friends Drs. Bob and Diane Comp is the name of an oncologist who is part of the same practice as the original oncologist we had hoped to see! God is smiling at us in every way.
• NEW REPORT IS BETTER THAN INITIAL REPORTS: The report from South Africa indicated that cancer was likely in the bones. This is not the case and is a huge area of praise.
• BECKI & JOHN READY FOR BATTLE: Becki is in GREAT health. Becki and John are both standing with amazing faith and confidence in the Lord.
• CALL TO WARRIORS: Though we all hoped and prayed that the tumor would actually be gone, it is not and we must remain strong and remain faithful in prayer. This is huge in our prayer strategy because the enemy would love to take some of the prayer warriors out!
• FIGHT AGAINST CANCER: Though Dr. Harmon indicates the tumor has all signs of being cancerous, he is very clear that cancer cannot be truly diagnosed until the actual tissue has been examined. Pathology reports will not be completed until at least Saturday. Pray that we get a clean and clear report, free of cancer.
• GOD GUDING SURGEONS: A prophetic word came early in the process indicating that God was taking His hand and going right in and removing the tumor. God is using a surgeon to do this. We must pray earnestly for Dr. Harmon and his associate who will join him in the surgery (Dr. Ponas).
• INSURANCE: Pray that the insurance company will release authorization immediately. Becki is scheduled for some blood work today and the surgery on Wednesday.
• SURGICAL RECOVERY: Becki will be in the hospital from 5-7 days. Pray that her recovery goes well.
• MIRACULOUS: We remain in the posture of praying for the miraculous to overshadow this situation.
I will keep you all up to date. Please keep them in your prayers.
New Release Spotlight: Alexis Barber
4 days ago
Quick update: The insurance company has approved the surgery set for tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteI will update all once I hear how it went.