I opened my eyes not knowing what was going on. The screaming that had woken me wouldn’t stop. It had begun out of nowhere.
Then there was silence. Had I been dreaming?
My husband rolled over rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “Hon, what was that?”
He had heard it also, so it couldn’t have been a dream.
“I’m going to check on the kids,” I said as I quickly got out of bed to make sure our children were unharmed. Both of them were safe and warm in their beds, allowing me a moment to breathe deep and say a quick prayer of thanks.
Then it started again. The screaming was blood curdling.
I ran downstairs thinking that maybe our cat had gotten into something and was hurt.
Poor Beau was lying at the bottom of the stairs, unseen until I stepped on his tail. I quickly learned that there was no way to mistake what I had heard for a cat.
I went to the back window and looked out. Our light sensor hadn’t come on so I assumed that whatever had been hurt wasn’t back there.
The screaming happened again, startling me. It sounded so close, as though I was right on top of it.
I grabbed the broom and stuck it out the door activating the sensor. Light flooded the yard confirming that the hurt or injured thing was not in my back yard.
My husband ran down the stairs, now fully awake, and carrying the bat we hid under the bed. “Did you find out what it is?”
I shook my head. I couldn’t force air past my voice box because my heart was caught in my throat. I saw my fear reflected in my husbands face and became even more afraid.
The screaming started again and I watched him take a deep breath, swallow, and step through the door; bat held high.
He walked to our 6ft high wooden fence, where the sound seemed to be coming from. I watched him pull himself up to get a look over the top. He let out a whop, making me jump and scream. He dropped to the ground and started laughing hysterically.
Had he gone crazy? Did what he saw make him hysterical.
“Jeff. Honey, are you ok? What’s wrong?” I ran to him forgetting that something horrible could be waiting just over the fence. None of that mattered if he wasn’t alright.
He attempted to calm down and breathe normally when the screaming started again and he laughed even harder.
I gripped his arm and attempted to drag him to the safety of our home.
Why, oh why didn’t I grab the cell phone? If I had called 911 when this all started, the police would be here by now.
Jeff had finally stopped laughing and pulled me into his arms. I was totally baffled and seriously thinking that he had snapped mentally.
“Honey, I want you to do something for me. I promise you it will be difficult, but it is something you need to do.” What could he need? He was so solemn.
“Okay,” I said. “Anything.”
He reached into the kitchen and grabbed one of the chairs. I watched him carry it to the fence. What was he thinking? He honestly didn’t expect ME to look at whatever was so gruesome.
I began praying hard that the Lord would help him regain his sanity.
“Honey, come over here please. Remember, you said you would do anything. I want you to stand on this chair and look into the Johnson’s yard.” He said this without any fear in his eyes. He was serious. “I promise you will be okay,”
We had been married for 7 years and I had never known him to do anything that would harm me. I had to trust him.
I put my leg on the chair when the screaming started again. I jumped and once more looked into Jeff’s eyes searching for a release from my promise. He was trying not to laugh.
Oh Lord, please help me.
I stepped up onto the chair, took a deep breath and peeked over the fence.
I searched all around and didn’t see any blood. I didn’t find a body. There was nothing to explain the noise. My eyes searched again and the moment I located the source, the screaming ended.
I was shocked to be staring into the eyes of the largest Rooster I had ever seen.
This story is based on a night 6 years ago. Our stinkin' neighbor had gotten a rooster. I had NEVER heard one for real, only in the movies. I don't know if this rooster was coo coo or if he had a weird voice, but I really was terrified when I heard it. In real life I didn't run downstairs but was able to look from my window and see this stinkin' thing sitting on top of his coop. The moon was full enough for me to see him. Yes the moon was still up. This guy liked to get up at 3:30 and crow until 10:30. No JOKE!
We ended up calling the police and the neighbors had to get rid of this guy due to city codes on animals.
I'll update you on the results. Hope you enjoyed it.
Make it a wonderful day!
Follow up: The reviews on my short story have all been positive. Can't wait until Thursday when I find out where I placed in the competition.
New Release Spotlight: Alexis Barber
4 days ago
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