Friday, April 17, 2009


Remember how I sent my Query to my Dream Agent? Well still no word, but now I don't think I will hear back. Why, you ask?
It goes like this:

Hey hon, I'm about to send the query letter out to *insert Dream Agent*. Could you please come and make sure everything is OK?

Hon comes over and yells across the room that he is adding ONE word.

No problem. Right?!

WRONG! In adding that ONE word he also added an n. Not attached to a word, not anywhere that will change a word. BUT JUST HANGING THERE!

Don't forget I had already word checked my document and this was THE E-MAIL!

Don't forget that spell check does NOT consider a hanging n to be a problem because it stands for Noun! -What!?
Did I check it? NO
Why? Honestly, I don't know! I just hit Send before I got nervous and put it off.

So here I am. A great query with the ONE PET PEEVE Agents HATE! Spelling mistakes on a Query letter. -In Hon's world I equate it to showing up to meet the General in dress blues with tarnished awards and scuffed shoes. He'd be out of there and land on his rump!

I try to look on the good side: I only sent it to ONE agent! Thank the GOOD LORD!
But the bad side rears it's ugly head: WAAAA! I sent a messed up Query letter to my Dream Agent!

Yes, I realize that there are many other agents out there, and that I should just let it go, but I need to grieve for a few moments. (snif, snif)
Then I can get on to my other Query letters.

(Let me please add that if you are my Dream Agent, I am terribly sorry for the mistakes. I hope you were able to get past them and enjoyed the first part of my book. Still looking forward to hearing from you. Even if it is to tell me what a goober I was for letting that "n" hang out there! ;)

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